Lately you may have seen I have been posting quite a lot of reviews over the past few months and that's because I read WAY too many books and write WAY too many reviews than a person can be humanly capable of, and the months just don't seem to have enough days in them for me to post all of those reviews. But now with most of those book reviews having been already posted (especially the reviews for the books I have read last year) it's now that time of the year again where I have to reluctantly say to myself and after much coaxing . . . I need a break. A good one at that.
Yup, you have heard me right. I'm taking a well-deserved break not only for myself - and for my own sanity - but I'm also taking a break since I've been back at uni for about a month now and I really need to concentrate on my studies for the meantime and get my bearings straight since my first lot of exams start this month!
I know, right? When does Erin EVER take a blogging break? Well, I'm taking around a month off starting today and I'm actually going to enjoy it for once in my life. Well, for the most part at least.
I'm currently taking a break from now until May 5th.
So while I'm still going to be online (like Twitter and Facebook and Goodreads and such) but I'm just not going to be . . . blogging here. So while this happens, I'm going to be studying hard with my course units, doing crappy assignments and homework, and reading books here and there and whenever I get a chance to. Then, by the time you know it, I'm going to be back here blogging at my very best and hopefully bringing some great book reviews for you all to read!
Anyway, I hope to see you here in May!
Wish me luck!